
Scotland's Pinewood Conference '24 took place on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th of October at the Nevis Centre, Fort William.

Ancient Roots | Modern Challenge
Securing the future of our Caledonian Pinewoods;
A focus on Western Pinewoods
The conference welcomed 167 in person delegates over two days, with 135 people registered as 'online delegates'.
Videos of the presentations and the performance 'In Search of the Lost Pines' are available to watch again on demand.
Find out more here in the archive page about the speakers, presentations, field trips and workshops that comprised Scotland's Pinewood Conference 2024.
ARCHIVE - Conference description
This October, Scotland’s Pinewood Conference 2024, aims to bring together a wide range of people interested in pinewood management to examine how landscape scale management can lead to ecosystem recovery, focusing on western pinewoods.
We've designed a unique programme which offers lots of opportunity for discussion and engagement. As befits a conference about pinewoods, there is also a chance to get outside! While that might be a bit chilly in October, you can look forward to returning to an evening of good food at the Nevis Centre.
The conference dinner will be followed by a special performance of music and verse, inspired by pinewoods and their place in local history and culture.
All of this and it's only Day 1...
It's been a long time coming - don't miss it!

Also included in your conference ticket:
Lunches on both days, plus refreshments during breaks
A delicious day 1 conference dinner followed by a specially commissioned music and poetry performance in the main hall of the Nevis Centre
The chance to view and contribute to Arkaig Community Forest's ongoing art project
Exhibits & displays from host organisations throughout the venue.
In-person tickets are priced at £135 per person.
Ticket numbers are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
For those unable to attend in person, there is an option to view speaker presentations online.
To stay up to date with conference news please subscribe.
Credit Trees for Life

The conference hosts included representatives from
Forestry and Land Scotland, Jahama Highland Estates, John Muir Trust, National Trust for Scotland, NatureScot, Native Woodland Discussion Group, Nevis Landscape Partnership, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Forestry, Trees for Life, Botanæco, Arkaig Community Woodlands and Woodland Trust Scotland.
Special thanks to the following organisations whose support made the conference possible